Cloud-Based CRM Software

Cloud-Based CRM Software


Understand how your visitors spend at your attraction by tracking their interactions from purchases to buying behaviours and communications. By understanding their purchase patterns, you can discover new opportunities to optimise the areas that are converting visitors into a sale and consequently increase their spending.

Why Is It Important to Understand What Encourages Visitors to Spend at Your Attraction?

With a system that allows you to easily analyse your visitor journey and behaviours, your business’s decisions will be informed and likely to be successful in increasing visitor spend. Analytics will give you an overview of where and what your visitors spend the most money on, or if you have customers that consistently buy the same products, this will let you understand your customer and what they value the most in your attraction.

This information will help you discover new possibilities to explore in your attraction’s offering as well as where your focus should be to optimise sales in areas that are already popular.

With our VenposCloud software, you can:

Learn more about your customers with our CRM system

Using our customer relationship management (CRM) will allow you to increase revenue as when a visitor buys a membership, books a ticket or makes a Gift Aid donation – they will be automatically added to the database.

The CRM module from VenposCloud will be able to track safely and record their journey when they visit your attraction. This valuable data will give insight into their behaviours and help you plan your future marketing strategies to target your customers’ touchpoints. Your marketing team will be able to target the visitors with personalised incentives tailored to each individual, encouraging them to purchase more during their visit.

Make informed business decisions with analysis & reporting

Having data collected from your visitors will allow you to understand their spending patterns and trends, helping you to make strategic business decisions that meet with your visitor’s preferences.

With the analysis & reporting module from VenposCloud, you can get a deeper look into how your attraction is performing whilst highlighting areas or even time periods where the extra focus will be necessary to maximise revenue.

Increase food orders with table ordering

Offer pre-order food and drinks option to your guests with VenposCloud online table ordering system to speed up the process of food delivery as well as queues in your attraction. This system will allow you to drive your customers to upsells, order modifiers and promotional offers which will increase food orders by 20%.


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Request a demo if you would like to try our solution and we’re more than happy to answer any of your questions. Discover what our VenposCloud can do! Learn more about the features we offer.