5 crucial ways VenposCloud can help you beat the Christmas rush

5 crucial ways VenposCloud can help you beat the Christmas rush

October 12, 2022

There’s no escaping it, Santa Claus is coming to town – and while you may be worried about your event management system and its ability to handle such a high level of ticket reservations, you better not cry, you better not pout…

It’s not too late to consider switching your ticketing and event booking systems. We are industry leaders in online ticketing and capacity management for attractions and ensure our VenposCloud system can help you manage the winter surge.

So read on for five key reasons why our system is worth switching to this Christmas.

Easy events and facilities management

No matter the size, shape, or industry of your event and venue, our systems can help improve the efficacy and ease of any large, festive events.

Whether your event is one-off, annual, or repeated several times through the year, our event dashboard can help you easily amend, configure, or delete events at will. It also prevents you from ever overselling tickets, and you can even keep your visitors informed with personal text messages and updates.

Plus, combining our event management systems with our specialised access control for attractions can help reduce staffing costs and improve the customer experience. Your customers will be able to scan themselves in via their mobile phone, without the need for multiple staff members to be checking tickets or manning the turnstiles.

This helps free up more of your staff to deliver a truly unforgettable experience!

Extended support hours and clear communication

We pride ourselves on being a business partner rather than a software provider. We are a consultant and an advisor rolled into one, and we will ensure you always get the best out of our services.

Our support team is on-hand to help seven days a week, 364 days a year, as they do get a (very well deserved) break on Christmas Day! They are UK-based, deeply knowledgeable on the VenposCloud system, and quick to answer any questions you may have.

You will also maintain constant contact with our team to ensure you are maximising the functionality of our system and benefiting from everything we have to offer to your industry.

Whether you need a way to help reduce queue times or a method of consumer data collection, we can ensure that you have it all in time for Christmas.

Enhanced table ordering system for café efficiency

If your venue has a café or restaurant on site, your customers may be waiting in unnecessarily long queues to order, especially at peak times.

Our table ordering software allows your customers to order via their mobile phone directly from their seat, preventing queues at the till and improving kitchen efficiency. This way, your front-of-house staff can focus on making drinks, cleaning tables, and delivering an excellent customer experience, rather than taking orders personally.

It also drastically reduces the likelihood of mistakes and food waste due to mishearing customers or inputting the wrong item on the till.

Integrated gift shop functionalities

Many attractions, especially those targeted at a younger audience, operate a gift shop on site. As the Christmas period approaches, it is only going to get busier, not just because of an increase in footfall, but also for potential Christmas shoppers.

Our integrated gift shop and EPoS functionalities will help you manage Christmas sales with ease no matter which industry you operate in, from museums to family and entertainment. Software such as our stock management tool allows your shop to reduce admin time, increase sales, improve the customer experience, and keep all your information in one location.

Plus, our Gift Aid functionality will allow your store to accept Gift Aid donations quickly and automatically, drastically reducing the time it takes to process donations.

Simple and accessible analysis and reporting functionality

Lastly, as the number of customers you serve increases, so will the amount of data you collect. Without the necessary tools and knowledge, however, you may never organise and use this data effectively. That’s where our analysis and reporting tool comes in.

In the wake of the Christmas rush, you can use our reports to identify trends and patterns within your customer base to not only increase sales next Christmas, but to also help appeal to your customers throughout the year.

It also helps you reduce the time you would be spending on admin and research to draft these reports yourself, meaning that you can gather more data more efficiently in the new year.

Book a free demo or reach out to us

Interested in finding out more about how our system can help you? Book a demo to see our services in action or contact the office to find out more. Call us on 01908 735 274 or email us at contact@vennersys.com.