Floors Castle

Floors Castle

Nestled deep within the picturesque scenery of the Scottish Borders, this 300-year-old castle is the centrepiece of the magnificent Roxburghe Estate and is currently home to the Duke of Roxburghe and his family.

The team at Floors Castle first approached us in 2016 after a recommendation from our client David Green, Head of Innovation at Blenheim Palace. The estate was using old-fashioned, calculator tills with no EPoS system or online ticketing functionality.

What Were The Challenges?

Floors Castle previously operated using old fashioned, calculator tills with no EPoS system or online ticketing functionality. They also had no network, which prevented any form of data sharing or system connectivity, making the management of events and busy periods complicated.

All the castle’s reports were completed using pen and paper, and the management of events relied on an accurate manual tally of visitor numbers. It was the allure of a fully automated system that drew Floors Castle to VenposCloud, along with the synchronised, connected nature of every system.

Client Quote

Matthew Thompson, Operations Manager of Floors Castle, had this to say:

“First of all, the VenposCloud system does absolutely everything you need it do, and I can barely find a fault with their offering. The system saves us hours in admin time every single week and being able to do online ticketing and memberships has increased our revenue, but those aren’t even the main reasons we still choose to work with Vennersys.
We swear by Vennersys because of their commitment to us as a client.”

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