Seats.io offers an interactive seating plan toolset for ticketing and event technology platforms.
Seats.io tools make it easy to design and offer beautiful interactive seating plans to ticket buyers, so they can select their seat. Working across platforms, with any web-based ticketing or event platform, and more than two thirds of all seats selected on mobile devices, seats.io increases conversion by up to 50%.
In addition, seats.io offers a unique flexible and interactive social distancing set of rules that allow event organisers across the world to rebuild trust with ticket buyers, by showing them that social distancing rules are respected, and that they can go back to events safely.
Easily integrated, working with customers across the globe, seats.io was the obvious partner of choice for Vennersys to improve the ticketing buying experience.
Seats.io’s answer to COVID19 helped ticketing technology and event businesses go back to market much faster.
COVID19 has had a significant impact on the way ticketing and event organisations function. In order to retain the trust of ticket buyers and optimise occupancy, while respecting social distancing rules that are different from country to country, from sector to sector, and from week to week, Seats.io was the first in the market to release, back in June 2020, its social distancing toolset.
These new Seats.io tools provide features that are both unique and essential when selling tickets online in a post-COVID19 world:
- The seat maps are dynamic and interactive, using algorithms that react in real time to the ticket buyers’ selection of seats, ensuring maximum occupancy in any scenario.
- The social distancing rulesets are very flexible and can handle pretty much any regulation. In addition they can be adapted to accommodate changes in regulations, even after the event has been put online.
Since Seats.io’s seating map solution can be plugged into any web-based ticketing system, this approach has allowed our customers to go back to the market several months faster, enabling them to survive this storm.
More than ever, seats.io’s interactive dynamic seating maps are an absolute must-have.